Video Challenge#2 My Job

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  • Very Nice! Madam!

  • @John

    thank you for the nice  comments  :)

    would you  like  to attempt on this  video challenge  , incidently  the  closing  date is  tomorrow 




    Best  of  luck



  • Hellow Nadira,

    I´m very greatful to get in contact with you for many reasons, just to mention a copple; Watching your video showed me you are a wonderful person, and the gift you present to every body with all he beawtyful pictures meansthat you have an excelent taste for pretty things.

    Thank you for sharing with us.

  • @ Baralwa

    Thank you  I do need it very much now ;)


    Your welcome

  • Dear dreamer man To bring my students the time I usually meet you on line ,is bit tricky as it is night and sometimes, Well over midnight .
    I recollect and miss as much, talking confernce among with you my EC Members.
    Few of my stsudents have had the priviledge of speaking with Muge (Mommy from Turkey) online. Unfortunately I cannot do it, due to circumstances
    Never theless all of them are encouraged and I have taken many lessons from English Club ,on teaching them.
    I have now stepped into professional courses . One of my first batch, professional courses,student is as a matter of fact a regular observer of the chat room and also a learner of the main link.
    Hope to see you all as soon as possible on Conference , I miss it very much too. My new batches end at night , it is bit tiring, that is why you do not see me anymore at night as you all used to... I will God willing make an effort to wake up at the wee hours before .
    I am now mostly able to be here in the mornings ..
  • Nadira i missed our old time while doing conference with EC members , but you didnt bring your student to discuss with us as you planed for it ! when we gona do it ?
  • Nadira, good to see you again.

    When's the next dinner?

    Regards to Ragu and friends.


  • thank you friends  .  we would  like to know about your  jobs too.
  • Good luck for you new job



  • Nadira, i heard your small video and i think that, you are a really great teacher!!!!!!!! Wishing you all the best!!!!!!!!!!


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