Video Challenge: The story of my name(part 1)

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Hello guys this is the story of my name, Michelle has encouraged me to take a part of this challenge and i am sorry for my english , i was laughting about my cruel speaking , but this is a challenge to take away our fear of speaking

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  • Thnk you Dear Nadira you encourage me :)
  • Enjoyed listening, to your story Dreamy. Why feel shy yur pretty good in your englsih and  I like the accent ,it is really nice .


  • good night DG and sandra same for u both ,
  • dont be sad , you dont have to paye the medecine he has all at the store :p

    be happy

  • you already have a hero he will come with some medecine dont worry :p
  • ok that good for you otherwise you will get trouble with my supporter and u  will call me  to save you ,

    ps : even inside dont laught , if u feel ur self going to laught just block it and eat it inside :p

  • sandra your friends in Facebook are so jealous cuz i was the winner on the Top on frindship list for two times and they try to take my place but i will not give up even if i will make revolution :p



  • I would love to hear the story of your real name Dreamer :)
  • ok sandra i pass it this time only because DG come to save you but next time dont laught at my poor english ok??
  • you know why i laught ?? I was talking to Michelle arenas from florida on skype and she was encouraging me to do this video than she was laughting while i was talking  , if you focus well u can hear her voice laughting too at the beguinning and at 47 " s
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