Video Challenge: The story of my name ( part 2)

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tara has asked what are ur dreams and i am trying to explain with my poor english and bad accent , hope you all take a part on this challenge and let take away the fear of speaking english

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  • I have bad accent , my accent is close to frensh accent ( I dont like it )  and i dont know how to pronunce words right , that why i try to record and tara correct my mistakes , thnk you Reema for encouraging me :)
  • poor eng and bad accent,lol,  r u kidding me? come on, u r soo great!!

  • Sam Bourtok: thnk you so much for encouraging me :) , why dont you take part in this challenge too!!

    Syubidupap: yes i am :) and my accent is close to franch accent cos we speak french , that why i dont like my bad accent but by recording my voice i learn from my mistakes as Tara always correct me :)

    Karenina : lol come on i have a bad frensh accent :( ,but  you dont want to see me cos you afraid to see mu ugly face :p

  • So, you are an Algerian? That is why I think I heard you pronounced the word "realise" and "second" in French pronounciation. In your first video I was wondering where do you come from cause I didn't hear any accent :p I never heard an Algerian accent before but I guess their accent is influenced with whether Arabic or French but none of them I can hear from your English. Good job...  b^^d

  • Martin: thnks for your encouragemnt  waiting your turn :)
    Nafis :thnk you so much for your encouragement , you are one who encourage me a lot and correct my mistakes :)

    Tara:Hi Tara , thnk you so much for taking your precious  time to correct me , it help me and encourage me to speak more and take away my fearing of speaking:)

    Notears :thnks for your pray and i am waiting alwyas your video challenge , do something unstead of blablaying , at least i can say u are WOW :p

    Michelle: actually you are the one who encouraged me to do it while talking on skype so i have to thnk you  , cos now i am being not shy to speak :)

    Atika: inshalah , thnks for your nice words , we all need to bellive in our dreams that nothing is impossible just need to push as much as we can ;)

    Valentine: thnks for your encouragement , i know my english is not good but i am learning here through the correction of Tara and Nafis and some other members  :)

    Rafal : thnks Rafal for your nice words, yes i am not showing my face cos i afraid you all will run away when you see ugly face :) but the most important is learning how to speak well and get away that fear of speaking so waiting your turn bro ;)

    Dreamer Girl: thnk so much for your prayer and your correction , I wish the same for you too as you are Dreamer like me :) " Dreams does not have a border "

    Ida : missed you , thnk you for your encouragemnt , i wana visit malaysia can it be realised ? :D

    Tati nebia :I hope too why not !! we can have meeting me and your husband and you and all my family one day maybe in summer inshalah and i will teach Rayane how to be DB ( Dreamer Boy ) ;)

    najwa oka : how are you , thnks my Dear , waiting your video chalenge too hope can see it sooon

    Joyce Fatermann:thnk you for taking a time to see my video , and thnks so much for your nice words , it motivate me to speak more and go on to practise more :)

  • I loved your video, Dreamer Man! Really good.

    I hope all of these dreams come true and they will. As you said, nothing is impossible! So, just continue doing your best and everything you want is going to happen.

    Take care,


  • You are my dear brother and I am proud of you .

    Let me include one wish about me and you. I hope we can meet for real brother and I will be happy to invite you my husband and I for a meal.

    You will meet my Rayan future Dm, lol.

    Your English is so nice, I hear the music of your myec page too.

    Well done brother.

    Nothing impossible, with determination we achieve goals!


  • Great!!! Well done!!! By the way, I do not think that your english is poor and you have bad accent!  Thanks for sharing!!!


  • Great work DM ,,you know ,,the dertimation is the most important thing if we want to succeed ,,and you have enough ,,so don't worry ,,you are able to reach your dreams inchallah .  :))
  • Hi DM. Thanks so much for answering my question in part B. This is excellent speaking! "Nothing is impossible." I love that. Here are some pronunciation tips:

    "asked"  pronunciation=askd (not ask-ed)

    "finished" pronunciation=finishd (not finish-ed)

    "answered" pronunciation=ansered (not anser-ed)

    "multinational" (check the "u" sound)


    PS-We are working on a new pronunciation chart. It will be really helpful. Stay tuned.

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