The Seven Secrets of Successful Language Learning: #5 Be Patient
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Dear Chandra, I liked it so much!
Thanks a lot, Pallavi. :)
Sure, Sreesekar, but I think I will make subtitles for ones I have already uploaded first. What do you think? Or, should I upload them all first?
You are very welcome, Sreesekar. :)
You're welcome, Sreesekar. I have two videos at which I wrote the subtitle. Check them out. :)
Thanks, my dear. I will try.....I will ask your help if I still not understand...hahaha,,,I mean : after 10 time, if I still not understand then I will ask you.
See ya
Or do you want me to subtitle it? I can do it for you. :)
Hello, Mitran, thanks or liking my videos. That's good that you don't give up. Keep trying, I support you, and I believe you'll understand someday.
lol..Poor me, I heard your record 3 times, but still not understand all...hihihi....No problem, first, I need to listen his voice and understand ...Thanks.