The Countries Song

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Learn Countries and Nationalities on EnglishClub: LYRICS I went to China on an ocean liner Went to Iran in the back of a van I went to Spain all the way by train To play in a rock 'n roll band I went to France just by chance The USA just for the day I went to Brazil just to pay my bill And to play in a rock 'n roll band I went to Russia  - worked as an usher Went to Japan - jammed with a man Rode a bike to Korea ’cause I thought it was near To play in a rock 'n roll band I went to Congo - along with my bongo Took a boat-ride to Cuba - along with my tuba Ireland, ’n Iceland, the Virgin Islands To play in a rock 'n roll band I went to China on an ocean liner Went to Iran in the back of a van I went to Spain all the way by train To play in a rock 'n roll band To play in a rock 'n roll band To play in a rock 'n roll band

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