Spinning flower/ Rotate flower

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I made this spinning flower from an old mouse pad and i wrote the word all as a root for other words, then i made a hole at the middle and i put a white board marker cap to work as a pivot. I made a giant flower using a hard and thick paperboard, the petals have different letters, and the root is the word "all".

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    • How Cairo looked like in 1904.
  • Dear Rose Iris,

    Thank you for your support. I do really love and live my profession. I like teaching kids. And i learn from them, too.

    Thank you.

  • What a great idea!
    In that way, memorizing will be easier for pupils.

    I like teachers who come up with creative ideas. It shows how much they love and live their profession. There is a will for giving the children the best possible education.
    Thumbs up!

  • OOOOh dear Robbie,

    You made my day. I am honoured that you left such a positive comment. Thank you from the bottom and bosom of my heart. 

  • That's an awesome technique to teach your students, Miss Hadeel! This would work to kids who are visual learners. Thank you for sharing it here on our club.

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