Nathan Pacheco _ YanniVoices - Amare Di Nuovo - English _ Italian Lyrics.mp4

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Amazing song and amazing Lyricsthis is real music that goes deep to your soul!!!

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    Amare Di Nuovo

    like the sweet spring after a cold winter
    yes, the earth awaits the kiss of the sun, for a new life, you know 
    Love, you are the sun
    the light that shines for me 
    Now,I kiss you and live 
    Love, I know that there is no life without you
    you are the sun, the moon, the star most beautiful 
    My world turns together with you 
    you are the sunrise, the light shines in the morning
    Marvelous melody that plays for me 
    love, I would like to explain to thee
    And I can't find the words to describe this love
    you are the sun the moon the star most beautiful 
    And I belong to you 
    you are the sunrise,the light that shines in the morning
    Marvelous melody that plays for me
    love, do know how much I love you?
    love, let's hold hands
    I love so much
    Be with me, always together with me
    Be with me, with me
    I know that I will always love you
    I will always love you

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