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Hi Punima!This type of poem is an "acrostic". Can you make your own poem with the letters from My English Club? This is your first challenge, Punima! I invite others to try it too. Use the comments to write your own acrostic poem.

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  • i'm not punim. and i'm not from india,,,correct your information
  • hi everybody, Im new member. I m very happy when i join MyEC
  • hi khan i very countente to communicate with you
  • salut tara
    je remeci bien et bonne courage
  • Nice to hear you call MyEC a second family! That is very sweet, Nebia!
  • My heart beats for you ..
    You are the joy of my life..
    Encouragement to continue learning with a smile..
    Never give up or say enough and look for more time..
    Give the help to all in need to learn English with all my love..
    Living for English and feeding English to be the best among the ones..
    Inside my heart I feel your love, you all my friends and my English club..
    So sweet and tender moments I spend reading my friends and learning there..
    Having you all warm up my cold days I used to spend alone..
    Club of the clubs the best of all so nice and cool..
    Until we meet one day for sure..
    Be my second family and my sweet home..
  • Hello Tara and M. Adaway...Thanks!

    All poem are really great!...Thanks Tara for the challenge. It makes us think like a modern poet..
  • These are so excellent! I can't believe how many of you have tried this challenge. You all sound like true poets. Mayumi's "U", Suela's "M", Dreamer Man's "C", and Expector's "B" are my favourites from the last four poems. How many poems can we write? Keep up the great work! Thank you!
  • Many thanks for the acrostic
    You never know how I like it
    Every time I read one
    Nothing better than the feel
    Give it a shot
    Learn how to write one
    Isn't it easy and fun
    Sometimes you can tell
    How much I love it all
    Can you post one here
    Let me know if you do so
    Usually it's just a piece of cake
    Believe it or not
  • M y favorite web
    y our chalenge to improve your english
    E nlarge your knowlege
    N othing will stop you
    G ive a wings to your dream
    L invite your friends to join us and
    I mprove your english with simple way
    S tart new life with new great friends and share your
    H oppfully will get your dream
    Crazy people of english are always online
    Let's go on
    Use your own way and don't be shy to make mistake
    Best place to learn english and meet new friends from this planet

    Thnks a lot for the creator of this website and the moderators who are carring about keeping only good memebers online
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