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  • HAPPY NEW YEAR, guys!
    Thanks for the call, DM.
    All the best to your experiments tomorrow.
    Try and try until you die...errr...succeed, I mean!
    And DG, nice to hear your voice again, also.
    Take care, sis!
  • LOL, DG, enough excuses.
    Ooooppsss...DM is right now on the phone with me.
    He just called me.
  • It's not your connection that's bad, DG.
    It must be your tired eyes.
    You've been here all day.
    Wait, how did I know?
    Oh, please tell Ossama, I said hello!
    One more thing, I don't know any lawyers.
    But I know lots of liars!
    Look, they only differ in spelling, everything else is the same!
    LOL, I hope no liars here on EC will read this.
    Otherwise, they will be mad at me for comparing them with lawyers.
    (Heheh, Kidding again!)
    Peace out!
  • are plagiarizing!
    Copy cat!
    So...that sweet little Skoon is the culprit, huh?
    How is your little brother, Osama?
    DM must be drunk somewhere...drunk on water!
  • DG, why did you drop the "Girl" off of your name?
    Yeah, I'm here too...not because I'm lost but because I'm sleepy!
    So, where the heck is DM???
  • DM is that you on the video - the singer?
    You look just like him!
    Rather, he looks just like you!
    Ahh, whatever...either way, you guys look alike!!!
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