Divided Kingdom Trailer

Location: Britain
Views: 476
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From Marcus Essberger and Samuel Calverley. Welcome to a kingdom divided. In modern day Britain, prejudice and discrimination affect the lives of two individuals. Michael struggles to live amongst a multicultural society, whilst Aryan suffers from racism. This leads to a shocking confrontation with a dangerous and uncertain ending... Coming soon.

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  • I'll wait for that. :) Thanks for the info.

  • Thank you Tara. Turns out that soon will not be before September/October 2010. They will be submitting the film to a couple of film festivals so cannot put it online before that.
  • How soon is soon? This looks like a great film! Thanks for sharing.
  • I think some people still have racist in thir mind even we live in one country and have muliculture and religion but some people insult you cos your father was foreigner even you are born on this country but they still treat you as foreigner and see you with strange eyes this is must be teached for kids on school to not be racist against other
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