An amazing woman who climbs cliffs as easy and as quickly as an ibex

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It's just amazing !!!This video is also a very good comprehension exercice for all of us.

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  • :->
  • Hahahah dear Darius, I LOVE your sense of humor !!! In the name of love, i would also climb such cliffs. I always said that for my love, i would be ready to climb the Mount Everest ! Thanks for your funny comment. You always make me laugh !
  • Let me tell  you  her real story 

    About one week before this climbing she went to a pontiff to ask about her destiny. 

    " The men of your dreams is on the top of a rock in the Western Sahara." Said the priest 



    As you see she it trying hard to find man of her dreams .Her challenge is really really apprehensible.     :->

  • Yes, Lucy, incredible. Her life depends on her 10 fingers ! I believe she must have a HUGE self-confidence to dare to clim this way !
  • wow, she's amazing!

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