Scarlett, good job! You are so imaginative. The caption is quite funny. Let's see if anyone would like to challenge it. If not, you will soon obtain another trophy. ^_^
Sahar, glad you find it interesting! Here is another photo I took at the same day. There are actually four ducks on the pond. I couldn't help laughing when their heads were under the water, and only left their tails outside.
Ohhh... Onee, you have dug so many of the photos I posted long long time ago. I almost forgot these. Thank you for liking them. :) Have a nice day!
@Scarlett, Abed thanks for the comment. I was late to note it. :D
Awesome shot, Grace!
Good timing! ^_^
How it is beautiful! two nice birds Communicating with each other by making waves in water!
Ooh! Grace!!!! I miss our dear Gabriel's trophies....:(((
Hehe... okay, I'm waiting for your one for this challenge if no one else fight me then :P:P
Thanks in advance! (hihihi...)
Scarlett, good job! You are so imaginative. The caption is quite funny. Let's see if anyone would like to challenge it. If not, you will soon obtain another trophy. ^_^
Sahar, glad you find it interesting! Here is another photo I took at the same day. There are actually four ducks on the pond. I couldn't help laughing when their heads were under the water, and only left their tails outside.
Haha... Grace, that'd be a great wordless wednesday!
Ok, let me give it some thing:
Brown one: "Hey! guess what I am seeing under this river?"
Black one: "Don't tell me that you are looking for a female-diver-duck ! lol..."
I also think they are finding food.
aha.. so interesting caption, Mirtran and Yasmin. I think I should take this to be my next Wordless Wednesday, shouldn't I ?
Actually, he is hiding from her - or trying his best to hide from her! lol