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Photo Challenge #21: Picturing Words – Wig

wig: (n) artificial hair that you wear on your head because you are bald or in order to change your appearanceThis "wig" was made by pomelo. We usually eat pomelo during the Moon Festival as it is in season.
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  • Grace, I've just come across with this fantastic photo! Most of all I'm impressed with your vivid (even crazy) imagination and creativity! How could this idea (to put pomelo skin on Cupid's head) come to your mind?! I love the photo a lot! Thanks for your 'crazy' ideas!

    By the way, it reminds me a helmet for riding a bike.

  • Great pose! He acted diligently this time.... :)

  • @Nadiyah, I did! It was really fun to give yourself a new style with it. Would you like to try? :D

    @Ha, I hope Cupid's enemy is not me. :D

    Good to know you learned it from the movie! I haven't watched Shrek 4 yet. I think I have to find time to watch it. Thank you, Ha. 

  • Are you sure covering a fake wig on your head like this? Haha .. what pretty funny!

  • @Junco, you're right. His eyes are a clue saying that. :P

  • @ Faraz, long time no see! Interesting caption! Mine is:

    "Cupid, I'm sorry! The battery of the camera was just run out. Let's wait until next year. :D "

  • @Teacher Gabriel, amazing... you could read my cat's mind. :D  He did want to kill me when I just put the pomelo on his head, and then he threw away it within one second.  :D 

  • Cat: “Who threw this pomelo skin onto my head? I’m going to kill him!”

    Note: Grace says that the cat was not harmed because the skin of a pomelo is layered by white thick spongy pith from inside.  

  • Thank you, Noaslpls and Jasmine, says my cat, Cupid. =^_^=

  • He looks so handsome :-P

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