The Cuban cigars which had been rolled. They have three layers of tobacco leaves; soft, medium and hard. One for the body, one for the flavour and one for the aroma. The leaves have to be aged from three to five years.
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The ideal man doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, doesn't do drugs, doesn't swear, doesn't get angry, doesn't exist.
Did you know? friends
Above mention lines are derived from Noas, profile page, now friends are you agree on this phrase, if yes, then try one cigar and proved yourself that you're exist :DD
Yes nida, they are bad for health. But by rolling these cigars, this lady managed to travel around the world. She had been away from Cuba for the last three months and had visited many countries. It's a fascinating story to hear from her about those cigars and her life.
Noas, I bet my bottom dollar!, If you work as a marketing manager in a bankrupt Cigar company, the company become a blue chip on his first financial year:-)
Wow, can I have one my dearest??????
Ha Nguyen, stop thinking everything is a food. LOL. (Thank God I don't like chocolate, otherwise I'll think the same too ;-p).
Hahaha Asif Ali, Zindani., that make me laugh too loudly in the early morning. Thank you for chasing away the Monday blues.
The ideal man doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, doesn't do drugs, doesn't swear, doesn't get angry, doesn't exist.
Did you know? friends
Above mention lines are derived from Noas, profile page, now friends are you agree on this phrase, if yes, then try one cigar and proved yourself that you're exist :DD
OHMY Asif Ali, Zindani., I hope you didn't put your bottom dollar in any bankrupt cigar company. LOL.
Yes nida, they are bad for health. But by rolling these cigars, this lady managed to travel around the world. She had been away from Cuba for the last three months and had visited many countries. It's a fascinating story to hear from her about those cigars and her life.
What a presentation!
Noas, I bet my bottom dollar!, If you work as a marketing manager in a bankrupt Cigar company, the company become a blue chip on his first financial year:-)
They are bad for health!
Hahaha ⊱ Mickey ⊰, stop trying to turn everything into food. LOL
I thought they were hot dogs....@@