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Have you heard of bookcrossing? Bookcrossing involves leaving a book that you've finished in a random place for a stranger to find and enjoy. There is an official site you can use to do this if you want to track the book you are giving away. You can put a special code inside the book. The person who finds the book can visit the BookCrossing website and indicate where and when the book was found.Personally, I just leave books around randomly from time to time without an ID number. I once left one in a doctor's office. Another time I left one at a bus stop. One time I ordered a favourite book specifically to bookcross it. I wrote to the author and told her about my plan.This week I gave my husband a few copies of my own novel, "The Proper Order of Things" and asked him to leave them somewhere in his travels. Do you recognize the monument?
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  • Here is a hint. That monument was VERY FAMOUS in 2010.
  • I know about bookcrossing, but I have no such experience. It will be great! I like reading!

    I have no idea what is this monument. But  please don't laugh :)

    My impression, it looks like a crossing pencils as a symbol of the place where like gather writers and lovers.. :) :) :)

  • Unique way to make a little surprise for lovers of the novel :)

    I think the monument is the right place to put it, visited by many people. novel is an unexpected door prize ...! Thanks Tara, it's first time I know about it.



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