About Me






December 25

My Latest Activities

thumbedurage Kumara Rathne left a comment for Saso
"Hey saso.. come dear friend my facebook.. lir.kumara@gmail.com or kumara rathne.. Search"
May 9, 2019
thumbedurage Kumara Rathne left a comment for Sandar
"hi, how are U??"
May 9, 2019
thumbedurage Kumara Rathne left a comment for Saso
"I like to be a friend with U. & chatting with U. ok. Do U like???"
May 9, 2019
thumbedurage Kumara Rathne left a comment for Nguyen Thu Huyen
"hi, dear. I like to speak English. My skip kumara.rathne1. but I have little bit speaking…"
May 9, 2019
thumbedurage Kumara Rathne posted a photo
i see u. Because earth is big for my life. but i want to know various human. Because i want to…
May 8, 2019