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  • I just posted Writing Challenge #15: My Recipe for 2010. Please read your task and get started! Thanks for joining the group!
    Cheers, Tara
  • I just added Writing Challenge #14. I hope to see you there!
  • Hi, I'm sorry..I have too busy to open My EC.
    Have you tried Journal of Cultural Diversity Volume 10 no. 4. The title is English As a Second Language (ESL) Nursing Students : Strategies for Building Verbal and Written Language Skills
  • hi how are u ?read my blog ghost and give comments
  • Thanks for joining the writing group. I just posted Writing Challenge #13! See you there:
  • I understand completely, now. We have English specific to business, English for computer-related careers, medical English, English for legal careers like lawyers, etc. I am not sure where to find this on the Internet, however. I will try to find this, but I am not sure how successful I will be.
  • I'm sorry but I do not know what Esp is except for extra sensory perception which means people reading other people's minds without them talking. Could you explain more what you mean in this case?
  • I'm always happy to help.
  • hi tuti howz u ?
  • You are not alone in having a problem with these three tenses. I will try to explain it as simply as possible, which is difficult for me since I like to explain and explain and explain. :) Let me compare the simple past, present perfect and past perfect to show the differences among these tenses.

    Simple past. We use this to talk about something that started in the past and is finished. It is no longer occurring. It is done. For example:

    I studied English very hard last year.

    This means last year I started to study English, I continued to study English, but then I stopped studying English at some point. This tense emphasizes completed action. I only studied English for a period of time and I no longer am studying it. That period of time is finished.
    Present perfect In contrast to completed action, we use this for something that we started in the past are continuing to do it and have not stopped. I am still studying now. Example:

    I have studied English very hard since last year.

    This means I started studying English very hard last year and I have not stopped studying English very hard. I am still doing it up to this point.

    Past perfect We use this when we talk about something we started to do, continued to do it and finished doing it. In this way it is similar to simple past. But the difference is that we are also going to talk about another action that occurred after this first action finished. We emphasize the order in which the two evens occurred in relation to each other.

    I had studied English very hard for 3 months before I took the TOEFL exam.

    This means I started to study English very hard (because of the upcoming TOEFL exam). I continued to study hard for a period of time. I then finished studying hard (maybe the day before the exam). Then I did another action that is related to the first action. I took (simple past) the TOEFL exam. Both are completed actions.

    Hope this helps. I welcome your questions.
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tUti jie left a comment for shiva singh
"Hi shiva..
Howz your life???"
May 9, 2019
tUti jie left a comment for Bill the English Teacher
"Thank for your help.."
May 9, 2019
tUti jie left a comment for Bill the English Teacher
"I don't know how to explain it bul i'll try.
in my department, esp is abbrevartion of english for…"
May 9, 2019
tUti jie left a comment for Poppy
"Whats up poppy?
I need your help. Now i study in university and take english department..I got…"
May 9, 2019
tUti jie left a comment for Bill the English Teacher
Could you help me again?
I got homework from my lecturer that talk bout Esp (for example:…"
May 9, 2019
tUti jie left a comment for shiva singh
"Hi shiva..
Not so bad..
Btw,could you help me?
I got homework from my lecturer to find out articles…"
May 9, 2019
tUti jie left a comment for Bill the English Teacher
"Thank for your explanation..
i hope you are not bored to answer mw question if i get any trouble."
May 9, 2019
tUti jie left a comment for Bill the English Teacher
"Thank for your explanation..
i hope you are not bored to answer mw question if i get any trouble."
May 9, 2019