I would like to help you my best here. If I may suggest, you can write something on a blog, your own blog, anything good you want to write about your interest. It's very helpful for learning. Communicate offline or online with friends here can be so helpful too.
I see that you're an old member. But you didn't so active here. I wish to see you around, my dear sister. Happy learning, I'm still learning too. :)
Hi, im a english club skyper and want to speak english with someone
Dear sister Pariya,,
I would like to help you my best here. If I may suggest, you can write something on a blog, your own blog, anything good you want to write about your interest. It's very helpful for learning. Communicate offline or online with friends here can be so helpful too.
I see that you're an old member. But you didn't so active here. I wish to see you around, my dear sister. Happy learning, I'm still learning too. :)
Hi Pariya,,
I'm glad to have you as my friend. How are you and how's Iran today?
Wish everything would be fine. Smiles.. :)
To My English Club
Given are links ,which should be useful to you
Memories of the old members.
Enjoy and make the best of EC community
Best Wishes
Nadira Moosin
Send a Welcome Scrap!