I hope you're doing well! I'd like to inform you that some of your videos weren't approved because of their content. Kindly review our video guidelines. Please click the link below.
Hi Mrjasnt!
How are you? I would like to thank you for checking out my latest video challenge. I appreciate it much. Wishing you a lovely time on our club!
Welcome to MyEC! This is Robbie, MyEC Video Moderator. Kindly review our video guidelines. We would like to approve your next video uploads in the future. I hope for your cooperation. Thank you!
Hi Mrjasnt,
I hope you're doing well! I'd like to inform you that some of your videos weren't approved because of their content. Kindly review our video guidelines. Please click the link below.
Hoping for your cooperation. Thank you for understanding!
How are you? I would like to thank you for checking out my latest video challenge. I appreciate it much. Wishing you a lovely time on our club!
Hi Mrjasnt,
Welcome to MyEC! This is Robbie, MyEC Video Moderator. Kindly review our video guidelines. We would like to approve your next video uploads in the future. I hope for your cooperation. Thank you!