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  • Hello
    Dear. g i t a
    I really would like to learn English with my hometowen and i think in think this web site help us to find eachother and make a good and safe relationship & friendship together to improve our English language Knowledage.
    at first
    I would like you accept my invit as a good friend to have relation ship and then help each other to improve our english language.
    And if you like Know more about me you send your question to my email address
    This is my email address
    (( ))
    and Then if you like to have convesation with me
    you can call me at this cell phonenumber
    (( 0913 307 95 85 ))
    I will be glad if you accept my invite or ask any question that there is in your mind by emailor cell phone
    I realy would like spacially to thank you to read my massage.
    I wish you be happy and smile in your long life.
    Your faithfully
    Hamid-Tehran- Niyavaran
    Have graet time
    teak care
    good job.
  • According to me Voice chat is more important. . to practice English speaking... so i have created a voice chat room.... with the help of skype... and i feel happy to tell u that within period of 22 days there are around 89 members , including Native English Speaker ( 41 as a chatting member and 48 as a Read only members ), the member include from all over the World for Eg.. USA, China, Italy, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand, Sweden, etc....
    Here we can help each other by practicing Spoken English Languages, remember we mainly know how to write but when it comes to speak we hesitate, we lost our confidence specially if we are speaking in public space.
    Here we can Chat orally i.e with voice and thus practice helps us to improve a lot --
    TeWjkrUYqCG9nOHPGtqQ_lvdcEYIadXSCwYfdZ0 "
    Please Click the above link or paste the above link in the Web Browser - Address bar and you will promoted to join the public chat.
    If u are facing any kind of problem, plz feel free to contact me at
    Prerequisites before Clicking the above link.
    1) You must install skype software. Which can be found at
    2) After that Create a Skype account and login with a new account. ( which u have created )
    ALL THE BEST!!! and Let me know HOW U FEEL!! ( I will be also there in the forum along with other member ).
    Tags :- Learn English, Speak English with skype, Enhance your English speaking skill, English, Improve English, English language and Art, English Forum, Free English Conversation, Free English Online, Learn English Online, Where to Learn English, International Language - English, Speak with confidence with English, Practice English..
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"Hello Mr Babak
I saw ur cm.Nice to meet u too
I hope we can see eachother in skiing"
May 9, 2019
gita left a comment for Abdel
How's going on? I got happy when i saw ur writing about my husband and i.
Thanks and have a good…"
May 9, 2019
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May 8, 2019