Is it a stupid question?
Imagine that you lived in 800 A.D and someone asked you the following question: Can I fly like a bird?
Your answer might be one of the two: Are you crazy? Or Wow I’ve never heard such a question. You are the first man asked that. No matter what your response is, the man kept studying about birds and tried to answer his question himself. Now he became the first person who demonstrated a controlled flight. Could he manage to stay between the earth and the sky for few minutes although his machine was made out of a bamboo frame covered with silk cloth and bird feathers? He had no choice but to experiment. He jumped off a cliff and flied for 10 minutes but had a crash landing due to which he injured his back. However, he learnt from his mistake that the tail is very necessary to stabilize flight. Before he died, he left a book contained many information about that. Since then people tried to fly until someone did it in 1903. Even though people flied, questions never stopped. This time they are about the outer space. Are there creatures or lost civilizations in the outer space? This might be a stupid question but it led to a great invention- a rocket. A small and crazy question may lead to interesting results. Everyone remembers the journey of the rocket, Lunik III, which helped peope increase their knowledge about the outer space. The pictures of the moon it took solved an age-old mystery.
No matter what your question is, just try to answer it. If you try and cannot have an answer, believe me you will end up learning a lot. At least you will gain something. Some of the questions that may be stupid to others are: Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life?