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November 20

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Tuan Bach Van commented on Valentine's blog post The world of dolls!
"Again sorry Valentine.
thuonghuynh : thank you. I think that i already received your doll ( spirit…"
May 9, 2019
Tuan Bach Van commented on Roven Varden Antares's blog post Fort Marlborough
"Are you live here ?"
May 9, 2019
Tuan Bach Van commented on Valentine's blog post The world of dolls!
"thuonghuynh : I see it but i never get it."
May 9, 2019
Tuan Bach Van commented on bluerose's blog post I can't feel in my heart beating
"He should looking out the mirror and show the beautiful life."
May 9, 2019
Tuan Bach Van commented on Valentine's blog post The world of dolls!
"I am not a girl but i think doll is really cute."
May 9, 2019
Tuan Bach Van commented on tran thi minh tu's blog post Sad memory about my close friend.
"Debbie Le thank for your fix."
May 9, 2019
Tuan Bach Van commented on tran thi minh tu's blog post Sad memory about my close friend.
"that's a sad story. 
Are you still learning ?"
May 9, 2019