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  • Hi dear Sepideh...

    thanks for the add...

    First of all,WELCOME to EC...second,sorry that my first comment in your page was without warm closing and saying welcome to you...third,yeah,i understand you...everyone has his/her own characteristics that may not seem good to others...i used to think like you ,but i changed my mind...i don't know why! but i am not that sensitive to others' rudeness anymore...i am myself a courteous girl in public because it is the way i am brought up...and i myself don't like others to be rude and insult others ...but i can't change others ...i can just tell them that it is not fair to say this or that...i think you should do the same...tell them the way you think in a reasonable way ,but don't expect them to change...some don't like to change...
    if they didn't respect you,simply leave them not to hurt you...but be sure that not always you can run away from such attitudes...

    anyway,i will be glad if you share yur ideas with me...i love to know more about you,my friend...

    have a peaceful time:)
  • Hi Sepideh jan...
    what did you mean by your comment on Aali's page?!
    would you let us know?
  • hi dear sepide
    thanks for adding me
    I hope speak more in future :)
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"That was great."
May 9, 2019