Hello, my fellow bloggers! Time flies quite quickly, isn’t it? It’s almost 2018 and what a nice way to have some sort of a recap about the blogs that I published all these years! This idea is actually from our very own fun, fearless catwoman… Mary. In case you haven’t read her blog already, you may check out the link below.
It’s a little bit tough to choose only 5 out of my 110 blogs (Sorry, Mary!). I have decided to pick 8 blogs that I’m proud of to share with you, not to brag about them but to give such emphasis because they are written from the heart and prepared outstandingly based on personal experiences, emotions, and creativity. Furthermore, they are the blogs which I was given the opportunity to use what I learned over the years about the rules of writing (grammar, spelling, punctuation, paragraphing, etc).
So without further ado, here are my top eight freakin’ blogs for you to enjoy reading!
8. Inhale, Exhale
This is my story about the Minions. It is a 3-part blog focusing the adventures of my favorite wee creatures. Unfortunately, I haven’t thought the finale part yet (shame on me ha ha). It should have the grand ending though…
7. National Day on Writing
This is a blog about the idea of reviving the letter writing habit. It’s quite a challenge to make it really successful especially we’re in the age of email and social media. But nothing compares to the feeling of receiving a hand written letter from someone we know and admire. Even if we have handwriting like a chicken scratch, it’s the thought and effort that really count.
6. Traditional Dishes
Are you a foodie? This was my first ever writing challenge in which I encouraged EC members to share their traditional dishes. It’s no doubt food is one of the best topics to blog about because obviously, most of us love to eat. Knowing different cuisines regardless of the members’ race has taught me to appreciate their traditions and beliefs and how food represents the identity of their countries. I hope if you learn something new to cook, you wouldn’t bite off more than you can chew. :P
5. #Gardening Goals
Nature is very close to my heart and having some parts of them in my very tiny home brought so much positivity and joy to my inner being. It’s one of my lifelines that I’ve decided to make it as a writing challenge last year. I was really impressed to see the gardens of our fellow learners. I’ve felt like I was diving in the field of sunflowers and roses. What can I say? It’s an awe-inspiring feeling. I never knew before that herbs and medicinal plants can make you high with optimism way better than coke… which is full of crap he he…
4. Confessions of a Bake-a-holic
Baking – a very satisfying passion of mine. This hobby taught me the real definition of patience. Moreover, there’s always a feeling of fulfillment whenever I bake something for the loved ones. It’s a challenging task but it makes me an eager beaver. This is a passion which I can be a chef in my own right he he… Do you love baking, too? Share your baking prowess to us!
3. #Grateful
I have always been thankful for all the wonderful things (as well as the unpleasant ones) happened here on MyEC and in real life. In this blog, I explained my reasons why I was grateful and inspired to be an English learner.
"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." Oprah Winfrey
2. I Am a Phoenix
This is one of my favorite blogs ever! It speaks for itself! I learned how to use my frustrations and setbacks to elevate my blogging style and creativity. More importantly, I became braver and confident. I rarely write a monologue and I think this is more challenging than just writing a plain blog.
1. Keep Fluttering
I have chosen this blog as my best, well-written piece of work so far primarily because I successfully documented something. In this blog, I was able to combine my love for science, my personal experiences and some facts. Even though the blog was informal and not error free, I made sure to present it using the rules of blogging.
I strongly believe in the importance of proof-reading, formatting, and the proper use and spacing of photos, as well as the correct spelling and choice of words/diction, punctuation, capitalization and grammar. If we at least take the effort to present a blog in a worth reading way, it would mean we know how to respect our readers. Also, it’s one way of showing our improvement as a learner.
Finally, there’s a hidden positive message behind the blog. I hope you could figure that out after you finish reading it.
Being a blogger is when we know how to respect other writers' ideas, works and photos. In other words, we should not be plagiarizers. Thank you very much for patiently reading my blogs! Happy blogging!