Title doesn't matter as long as the content serve its purpose Posted by Rayan Abdulrrhman on October 14, 2018
Kulu sana wa inti taiba ya Rayan Abdulrrhman! We are having dinner now. Our sheep was big and full of meat. I guess we are going to eat meat for more than a month. Could I be one of your friends? Thanks.
Dear Rayan,
Please send me your Skype ID and remind me to add you.
Not to be forward but,
would I you mind if I asked
whether or not you were 18 years of age?
Thank you for veiwing my content.
I am glad you liked it.
Please be on the lookout for future installments.
They will most likely be posts I have done previously.
Dear Rayan,
We are pleased to Welcome you to SKYPERS Group.
Your registration is in progress. You will be added as soon as possible in the absence of any defects. Thank you for your patience.
Regards, [SKYPERS Admin]
Hello Rayan,
You and I met the other night here at
My English club. How are you doing?
Do you read my article that I submitted?
Did you visit my website about Reiki?
What are your thoughts?