Oksana's Discussions (7)

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Love of lyrics

Let's share lyrics which have really meaningful words.

One song for one reply.

This is also English and we can discuss the words and certain places if hard to understand. Also you can mention your favourite places (words).

I remember one guy from school

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Learning places, useful links

Let's make this place like shared favourites on learning places on the internet.

You are welcome to share web sites you really used and found helpful for some reason. Also you can explain in a short comment what exactly is interesting in one or anothe

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How to

Dear friends,


This section is designed to suggest the scenario how to make a new discussion here.

As it has already mentioned in the Welcome box, to supply this group with working material there was created a special blog http://myec-englishworkshop.b

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Ask me!

questionmark4318868.jpgDear friends,


If you have any questions regarding activity in this group, and you can not find the discussion related to this issue, please post it here.

I will try to respond as fully and quickly as I can.




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megafon5195353.jpgDear friends,


This section is for announcements related to activity in this group.

The announcements will be posted in the comments below, which can be followed by related questions and replies (useful feature if you want something to be specified).



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