You are at the right site to learn English. Here you can read English blogs/discussions written by members of MyEC, including LESSONS from teachers or RARE INFORMATION from English Native Speakers. Just visit the latestblogs,discussion,photos, orvideos in MyEC.
You can also comment, make your ownBLOG, start aDISCUSSION, postPHOTOS orVIDEOS and introduce yourself to members here. This interactive way will surely boost your English skill. There are more beneficial things to stay here to boost your English skill. Of course, you are able to make friendship here. Just visit their pages and you can also improve your own page.
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All Blog Posts | MyEnglishClub (MyEC), your page in English
Hi Mehvan ,
Nice to Meet You! :)
You are at the right site to learn English. Here you can read English blogs/discussions written by members of MyEC, including LESSONS from teachers or RARE INFORMATION from English Native Speakers. Just visit the latest blogs, discussion, photos, or videos in MyEC.
You can also comment, make your own BLOG, start a DISCUSSION, post PHOTOS or VIDEOS and introduce yourself to members here. This interactive way will surely boost your English skill. There are more beneficial things to stay here to boost your English skill. Of course, you are able to make friendship here. Just visit their pages and you can also improve your own page.
Home is running 24 hours and showing the latest activities. See you soon!