These adorable creatures really float my boat. Are they also wild or in the zoo? They seem to live in harmony and hit it off with tourists easily.
Many thanks for those lovely photos. They really make my day!! And I believe they are now having a big meeting, which is crowded and noisy.... haaa....
Hello Jeffery,
Thanks for your nice cards, I like them much.
Unfortunately, I have never posted this kind of custom-made greeting cards so I don't know how the cards can be done. They might make cards by certain editorial software like Photoshop I guess. You may ask other EC members.
PS: When you figure out how to make it, please don't forget to share it with me. Thanks in advance.
Hello Jeffery, thanks
Happy New Year with A Smile
Happy New Year, Jeffery. ^_^
Hi Jeffer,
These adorable creatures really float my boat. Are they also wild or in the zoo? They seem to live in harmony and hit it off with tourists easily.
Many thanks for those lovely photos. They really make my day!! And I believe they are now having a big meeting, which is crowded and noisy.... haaa....
Have a good weekend.
Have a great weekend, Jeffery. ^_^
I just posted some new photos on my blog today, hope you could visit and leave your comment on it. Thanks. ^_^
this's My first adventure in MyEC Photo Gallery#1 : Interview, hope your participation in it.
Happy Weekend
Glitter Graphics
Thanks for your nice cards, I like them much.
Unfortunately, I have never posted this kind of custom-made greeting cards so I don't know how the cards can be done. They might make cards by certain editorial software like Photoshop I guess. You may ask other EC members.
PS: When you figure out how to make it, please don't forget to share it with me. Thanks in advance.
Good luck.