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  • Hi friend, I would like tobe your friend in this english club too, It would be nice to practise english with you And sharing the experiences in studying to improve our english skills better , You look like eropean dude than Vietnamese one ...I hadnt visited this club so I havent known ur nice message to me , I glad to keep in touch with U. I expect to get ur response soon... my best regard for your help in here..^^
  • hi man! U look sad in your picture, want to make friend with me and get more smiles? sweet smiles to u !_!
  • To realize

    The value of a sister
    Ask someone
    Who doesn't have one.

    To realize
    The value of ten years:
    Ask a newly
    Divorced couple.

    To realize
    The value of one year:
    Ask a student who
    Has failed a final exam.

    To realize
    The value of nine months:
    Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.

    To realize
    The value of one month:
    Ask a mother
    who has given birth to
    A premature baby.

    To realize
    The value of one week:
    Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

    To realize
    The value of one hour:
    Ask the lovers who are waiting to Meet..

    To realize
    The value of one minute:
    Ask a person
    Who has missed the train, bus or plane.

    To realize
    The value of one-second:
    Ask a person
    Who has survived an accident...

    To! realize
    The value of one millisecond:
    Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics

    To realize the value of a friend:
    Lose one.

    Time waits for no one.

    Treasure every moment you have.
    You will treasure it even more when
    you can share it with someone special.
    Live life to the fullest
  • Welcome here.Glad to be friends.
  • Hi interboy. thanks 4 ur invitation
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June 23

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Interboy left a comment for Rosy
"Em chao chi!
ui rui ui, mai moi gap dc Dong` Huong de practice english!
Add nick Skype cua em vao…"
May 9, 2019
Interboy left a comment for Uyen
"HI uyen! hix cung dong huong HP day, add nick yahoo truonghanu hoac skype mrtruonglucky de minh…"
May 9, 2019