call me "thuy", it's my name ^^
in my view, it's truly not easy to write a paragraph. now i still have difficulty in writing because my vocabulary is limit. but i'm attempting to deal with it by practising everyday. U can usually enter Writing skill club and try to write anything appear in your mind (like i'm doing now), the other members will help u correct ur mistake ( we all are here to study ), so u don't have to worry much about ur grammar... it will be better if u are non-stop practising. i believe so. Ah, reading English story is also the good way to build vocabulary and be familiar with its grammar ^^.
i noticed there are some mistakes of ur comment , i think i should correct them :
Hi Thuy... nice to know that you are a nice person, bye the way what should i call you? is that okay if i call you thuy, or you would be prefer to call with other name.
(hi thuy..., by the way, ... or you prefer to be called with another name)
yeah i have many trouble with writing, it might be cause my grammar is bad,. the grammar rules that to elaborate to remember, sometimes make me stuck when i try to write something in English. what do you think about that?"
(i have many troubles with writing because ...,the grammar rules are too difficult for me to remember. sometimes i'm stuck when...)
anyway, there are many other ways to correct this para., it's just my suggestion ^^.
in my view, it's truly not easy to write a paragraph. now i still have difficulty in writing because my vocabulary is limit. but i'm attempting to deal with it by practising everyday. U can usually enter Writing skill club and try to write anything appear in your mind (like i'm doing now), the other members will help u correct ur mistake ( we all are here to study ), so u don't have to worry much about ur grammar... it will be better if u are non-stop practising. i believe so. Ah, reading English story is also the good way to build vocabulary and be familiar with its grammar ^^.
i noticed there are some mistakes of ur comment , i think i should correct them :
Hi Thuy... nice to know that you are a nice person, bye the way what should i call you? is that okay if i call you thuy, or you would be prefer to call with other name.
(hi thuy..., by the way, ... or you prefer to be called with another name)
yeah i have many trouble with writing, it might be cause my grammar is bad,. the grammar rules that to elaborate to remember, sometimes make me stuck when i try to write something in English. what do you think about that?"
(i have many troubles with writing because ...,the grammar rules are too difficult for me to remember. sometimes i'm stuck when...)
anyway, there are many other ways to correct this para., it's just my suggestion ^^.
btw you from indonesia?