HAYET's Posts (3)

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Dear All,

Today Algeria commemorates the sad events of May8th ,1945.In that day many people throughout the wold went out celebrating the  end of the World WarII.The Algerian people,who were being colonised by France, did the same and asked France as promised to give them back their  freedom(France had promised the Algerians to give their independence if they fight with her the Nazists..)unfortunately ,France 's response was crual and severe:many people were massacred and murdered in some Algerian towns :Setif ,Guelma ,Kherata... about 45,ooo people were killed in one  day!!!!!As amatter of fact it was a horrible, bloody , sad , and unforguettable day for the Algerians and a Day of  Shame for the French whose constitution  based on : freedom equality and fraternity!May Allah bless all the Algerian martyrs!


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Constantine, the town of rocks

It is agreat pleasure to write for the first time here ,since Bob asked me to write about my native town ConstantineHistorically,Constantine was founded by the Phoenicians whose main activity was trade.it was called at the time Sarim Batim(which means royal city)then it took another name Cirta during the Numedian control(4th centuryBC).Cirta was the capital of Numedia under the control of the King Massinissa.in 311AD,cirta revolted against the Romans who had invaded and destroyed it.By the year 313AD, the Empror Constantin reconstructed Cirta and gave it his name "constantine".Constantine had also been under the control of Arabs (islamic conquests)7th c,the Turkish 15th C and the French (from 1830to 1962 ) .Constantine is a nice Algerian eastern town.It is built on a big rock and has got many bridges!the highest one is SIDI MCID bridge also called the suspended bridge(you can see it in my photos),it is 175m high and 164m long. culturally Constantine is famous for it Andalusian music called Almaluf.the culture of Constantine is a mixture of several ones :Arab,Amazigh,Jewish,Turkish ,French etc.
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