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February 4

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Gamal Adam commented on salah gammaa's photo
"it's very good i like it very much "
May 18, 2019
Gamal Adam commented on Carlos Andres Rodriguez's blog post Writing Challenge: Write 2 Connect
"so what is wrong for knowing your thoughts - as people can know all your thoughts also they can…"
May 9, 2019
Gamal Adam commented on ⊱ Mickey ⊰'s blog post Three Kisses
"thanks Mickey I hope to improve it through this writing "
May 9, 2019
Gamal Adam commented on ⊱ Mickey ⊰'s blog post Three Kisses
"Mickey you are very good writer your description is great and i felt every second as I was  beside…"
May 9, 2019
Gamal Adam commented on Tara Benwell's blog post Writing Challenge: Write 2 Connect
"I would like to thank you for this valuable piece of writing it will  help us to challenge…"
May 9, 2019