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  • Hi Elke

    I'm from Austria. Nice to meet you here in English Club. How are you? I have a cold at the moment and try to get health again by drinking a lot of tea and staying in bed.

    I'm learning English too. So maybe we can write messages and improving our English at the same time?

  • Hello Elka Palka,



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Zuid Holland


June 20

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Elka commented on thuy nguyen hong's blog post " money can buy everything?"
"You are right, it's very nice what you write, money don't make you happy,"
May 9, 2019
Elka commented on Tara Benwell's blog post How to Get the Most out of EC's Community
"It's very useful ,thank you"
May 9, 2019
Elka left a comment on Conversations
"Dear Nadira
Thank you for inviting me for this group, it like very use full group for me.
All the…"
May 9, 2019
Elka commented on nida's blog post Please offer your codolences to people of Japan!
"My condolences to people of Japan, You can't say with words what I'm feeling but it's make me very…"
May 9, 2019
Elka commented on syaju's blog post if i can speak english fluently
"Hoi Syaju, I also new here,and I think we are on a good site to improve our English skills.
May 9, 2019
Elka commented on Elka's blog post My dog
"I'll don't ban my cat a hike ban, but he'll go alone. 
I'll stay at home. ;)
May 9, 2019
Elka left a comment for hlb
"Thank you for correct me, I am Polish but I live in Holland,"
May 9, 2019
Elka posted blog posts
May 8, 2019