Dieu Trang's Posts (8)

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Mother's Day I'm afraid, Mother's Day, from when I was younger, because I was born not long my mother had been thrown away.Every year Mother's Day, I felt afraid. Before and after my holiday, television usually only play the songs in praise of mother love. Radio, too, have biscuits advertising matter, then tried to insert songs praising motherhood, but for me, every song again suggests sadness.I shall be one full month abandoned train station in Hsinchu. The doctor in Fort police station next to me grabbed worries. The man she found a nursing mothers, the price that can not find her, I have cried to the extent not sick. Suck it up for me and then sleep, the police this new doctor gently holding me to nurture young centers in rural Thailand Germany Baoshan District Hsinchu (Taiwan). I was given for three or laugh at it.I had never met my mother, my childhood is the only known breeding records I grew. Each night, as he sat studying her sisters, what do I have four ball grab the file. They read in the synagogue at the ceremony, also to follow me. At ceremonies get under our desks and play, have to face demons at the primary threat is the ceremony, most often based on a file that I somehow fall asleep, and she was so nice not to wait preliminary ceremony is finished, I quietly closing about to go upstairs to bed. All I could think of is her primary love me because I had an excuse to help them escape from the ceremony early.Kids like me are all children of families who are not lucky, but most of them are still family. TET, uncles are all welcome to them, its just a me, my family, my house did not know where.Hence, the nuns treated like children abandoned me very well, they never let anyone bully me. I learned well, the file is still more people to volunteer teaching me more.Press knuckles, many people have done for my tutor, are graduate students, even school teachers Tsinghua University, Traffic around the area, including the architect, so I'm also very small good at English.The nuns forced me to study now, in fourth grade I played organ in church. I joined the contest of eloquence, is to represent students of the school, but from the little I do not want to participate in any programs that celebrate Mother's Day.I love now, but I have to play the songs rider for me. Sometimes I think, his mother is? I read novels, I guess I was a wild child. My father then abandoned fun bored mother, and my mother too young to know just carry me away discarded.I park on level three in Hsinchu, and then to college, I parked Science Building Success University (Taiwan).Time student, I am learning by doing. Sometimes Ms. Sun, who adopted my big sister also visited me. The rude boy's roommate saw her I just try to be courteous gentleman. Many friends after learning the story of my life are comforting, said that by raising the profile of her, my new elegant, no interference and Giang as well now. On graduation, friends who are also parents to celebrate. I have only a relative whom she is the only Sun, dean, so to take pictures with her.When I go duty soldiers, I enlist the center of Germany visited Finland. This time she suddenly became Sun suddenly serious, she called me out, get an envelope from the drawer, told me to see what's inside.In the envelope with two tickets. Ms. Sun to tell me, holding me to the police, in my shirt tucked two tickets for this train. Apparently my mother has used this two tickets to travel from home to the Hsinchu station, a ticket is going from south to Pingtung, train tickets remaining from Pingtung to Hsinchu. It is a train ticket market, I suddenly realized my mother was a poor woman.Ms. Sun to tell me, the three detectors usually do not like going to ask to find out about family circumstances that babies discarded, so they kept two tickets to this big I'll never wait for calculation. They have observed a long time I finally concluded I was the reason, there was sufficient capacity to handle this. They had walked through the town then, that there is very little, if I want to find honest ones, will probably not difficult.I always dreamed of having my parents once, but now holding two tickets, I hesitated. Now I live very well, have a university degree, she has a lover considering coming hundred years, why should I go backward to the past, go past looking for a complete stranger? In addition to the eight is nine parts will not be a true fun.Ms. Sun has inspired me back. She said I had a money map brighter, perhaps not so mysterious about how my life became a dark shadow over the soul. She told me to prepare for the worst situation, whether found out what the truth is bad, should also hold faith in myself forward in life.And I've hit the road.It is a tiny town on the mountains, I never heard the name. From Pingtung cars have sat for over an hour arrive. Whether because of the South but is winter here and cold. The town proper is very small, only one way plastic, a pair of grocery store, a police station, an office of township government, a primary school, a middle school in addition, nothing again.I ran off to running back and forth between police stations and government offices. Eventually found two seem related information, a database is an infant, a family is the information reported missing son, is missing time on Monday after I abandoned , a child is born a month earlier. According to records of the file, as I discovered at Hsinchu Station, I was just about full month old. See the information here seems to be about me.The problem is that my dad was dead, my father died six years ago, my mother died a few months ago. I have a brother, he abandoned the town, do not know where to go.Anyway is a small town, everyone knew each other. A police station told me, my mother made in the primary school staff, then he led me to meet the principal.Principal is a woman of great enthusiasm. She said, just as my mother had served long years in school, a woman is very nice, also my father is extremely lazy. All the men in town are out looking for work, my dad did not go far, just around town as hire date, but small towns that get us into the hire, so the father for life I just stick to eating my mother money odd job worker. Because not work, cheerless mood, he spent borrow sorrow alcohol solution, say it is time to beat my mother, I beat him. The province is also regretted wine there, but bad habits get used to it, my mother and my brother because of his miserable life. My brother was angry at seventh grade even away from home, then never come back here.This woman obviously has to take second son, was a month old but already missing the mystery.Mrs. Rector asked me everything I love the endless. When she knew I was growing up in an orphanage in the North, she suddenly moved from an envelope drawer. This is the envelope she found after my mother died, my mother hid under the pillow. She said things which must surely mean a very important, so she decided to hold back, waiting for my mother's relatives to receive.I trembled open, found inside a lot of train tickets, each file a return train ticket from this southern town to Hsinchu, all to be kept carefully.She told me the principal and half years my mother would leave the North to visit relatives, no one knows what they found, only to see her happy every time. Later in life my mother Buddhists, this is the happiest she has raised the Buddhists are a million Taiwan dollar donated to the orphanage to the Christians. On the money given to her personally as well.I recall, there was a big bus to a credit union improve female male from the South to the orphanage. They were given checks worth one million Taiwan dollar, to donate to our center Germany Finland. The preliminary touched her deeply, thanked all the orphaned children to stand on photographic memories, I am brushing basketball also called on people taking a photograph. Now I suddenly find that picture in the envelope of the mother. I ask any mother who I was, they just stand in the way I am not far away.But as I moved over a commemorative book on my graduating class, have a photocopy pages are saved in this envelope. That hat shirt sites we graduated, I have pictures in it.My mother, my mother had thrown away, was still visiting me, she even had to attend my graduation ceremony.Principal gentle voice: "You should thank his mother, threw him, he is to live a better life. If I'm still here, at best he is very popular over the city hired , where most are very few people in high school. But if unfortunately, does not bear the lash of the whip's father, knew where he was soon promoted adventure away from home as her brother, gone forever cha know wandering way anymore. "Other teachers in school as well, everything I have to congratulate graduates Nations established. They say this town far from old students who never pass the exam is to establish the National University.I suddenly brimming, I asked her principal here do not have guitar. She said, with the piano but not so well, just hold the new civil defense purchase.I opened the piano lid, sesame I overlooking the winter sun outside my window, I played her a gift in the Mother's festival. I want people to know that although I was an orphan growing up in orphanages, but I'm not an orphan, because I have raised her profile so nice I like her, because I have a mother tongue out I always love me. She and her determination to sacrifice my environment growing up, I have the money to map bright.The teachers in my school to sing along. Danish spread in the air, in cold mountain town, in the afternoon sun. The residents in the town will certainly be surprised to ask, why has today praised the mother tone?As for me today is Mother's Day. The envelope containing the ticket to me from this old ship today is no longer an orphan Mother's Day scared anymore.
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Marketing mendicant

My story begins just like that. But the bum hand taught me a lesson deeper than the economic one course in economics at the school. I told this story by the wishes of that bum hand.- Please He ... give me some money away! - I stand by her father what it means throwing hand him a coin, then started chatting with each other. Would love to tell the bum rate.- I just bum around the mall this one, you know? I just glanced at a play that saw him immediately. Levi's Plaza shopping for sure in a lot of money ...- Ha? He spread out his baby out! - I was surprised.- Make bum, bum it must also have science. - He began opening the phone.I ponder for a moment, found four interesting questions: - What is a scientific bum?I look at him, unkempt hair, tattered clothes, hands raised bone thin, but clean. He explained:- Who will not fear and hate the bum, but I believe he does not hate me, I assure you that. This is my differences with the other guy the bum.I nodded in agreement, that is me not hate him, should I speak to him, sir.- I knew SWOT analysis, the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and risks. Face bum boy is my competitor, the advantage (Strengths) my feedback I do not feel it, cold fear. Opportunities (Opportunities) and risk (Threats) is the only factor under conditions of external circumstances, may be a large population here or away, the city has decided to urban renovation, flat street Affordable ...- ...???- I have been very specific calculations billions (and meticulous detail) that this commercial area across the east, thousands of people every day about, poverty has many, but much more rich. On the argument the authors as every day I get a penny each, the same day was 30, and my income per month was three per cent copper. But in reality, what everyone money for beggars, but one day I would be enough to turn thousands of people. So, I have to analyze, who are my target customers, what are my potential customers.He took voice continued: At the Plaza this is my target customer accounts for 30% of shoppers, the success rate of about 70%. The amount of potential customers accounted for 20% success rate on these subjects around 50%. The remaining 50% of people, I chose to ignore them, because I do not have enough time to find your luck with them, ie they ask for money.- So how about his definition of his clients? - I need to transport.- First, the target customers offline. Then the young men like him there, income, should not hesitate to spend money. In addition, couples in the audience of my target customers, they can not lose face in front of your opposite sex, but to take action so generous. Then I choose the beautiful girl to go alone as potential customers, because they are afraid of being trimmed by frigid, surely they choose to put money out for free debt. The two subjects are under the age range 20-30. If old customers too small, they have no income, but old age than they may have family, money was his wife then held off. The husband who knows when it is quiet anger that unfortunately can not ask for money back out of my hands again either!- So every day he would be how much?- Monday to Friday, will be a little less, about two hundred. Even last week 400-500.- Ha? Why so many?Seeing that I doubt, he counted to me:- What else I him, I also work eight hours golden. Morning from 11 am to 7 pm evening, weekend still work as usual. Every time I bum one takes about 5 seconds, except the time I go back, move between targets, usually a minute I was once a coin, 8 hours I would be 480 coins, then calculate with success rate 60% [(70% +50%) ÷ 2] I was about 300 coins. The strategy of my bum is definitely not clinging to guests along streets. If they do not ask for, I definitely do not stick by them. Because if they have money right then, if they were clinging to for so long, the success rate is also small. I can not carry the bum time is my limit to go wasted on the guests, while I may turn immediately to the next target.Heaven, this hand-minded beggars goes too, as can analyze sales director or marketing director that.- He said go! - I'm excited.- Some people, beggars or may have some bad luck, I do not think so. Take for example, if a handsome young man and a beautiful woman standing in front of cosmetics lingerie shop, he will choose someone to bum?I ponder to him, I do not know.- You should go to another young man asked for money. As he stood a beautiful woman, he would not like to bum money. But if you go ask beautiful girl, she would pretend to be terrible and then flee from him ... Well, another example: Today it stands at the mouth of Big C supermarket is a young girl holding a bag bought from supermarkets, a pair of women's love for ice cream stands, and a guy plays servants adjust clothes, hand bags handbags laptop. I just watched them three seconds, will not step straight proverb to face the young lady asked for money, she would give me two pennies, but I wonder why only ask for money with each her. I told him, the other couple was eating, they do not withdraw such facilities for money, he looks the other wealthy, but the boss looks like so on the money they often are not available retail. Now she just out shopping at the supermarket, her every little extra money, change.Logically, the more I hear says the bum hand as both a province.- So I told it, all the knowledge to decide!I heard my boss say how many times this sentence, but this is the first time I heard a guy say this bum.- Bum must also carry that knowledge into beggars. But on the day lying in frog fibers, stairs up the road beyond the intersection, ask someone for money? Those who go through the intersection, crossing gate arms are in a hurry or carrying bulky handbags armpit, anyone out there that never played, out there who would just tired. Knowledge to equip themselves, learn new knowledge to make people smart, intelligent people who will never stop learning new knowledge. Century 21 Okay, now we need something, there is no need talent?There was, for me would be a 5 copper, standing below the window asked me shouting: 'Red darling, love me,' cried 100 times. I calculated the loss as a five-second language, similar time I go once a beggar, but the profit gain of only 50, but poor beggar, so that I refuse ... Here, in general a hand bum a month can go get a thousand or eight hundred times. Those who go lucky, at best would be about two thousand times. The population here is about three million, dozens of his bum, that is, I kept about ten thousand new people a bum. So my income is stable, is basically whether the world economy goes up or goes down, my money situation would remain stable and not fluctuate much.Heaven, I serve this bum hand too!- I always say, I was a boy bum fun. The extraordinary boy bum fun because a lot of money please. I have often told us it is, then we eyebrow confused. Because the new would be fun but a lot of money.Than standard!- Bum is my career, to understand the joy his work brings. Rained out at least the city, the other guy bum cheerless complain or are sleeping. Do not be so, please take advantage of that experience the beauty of city. Evening of my wife and son took a trip to watch the night sky, said the three people laughing, having a colleague at the road, when I can also throw them a coin, go to see them happy, they look like see themselves.- Oh .. he also had wives and children?- My wife at home as housewives, my children go to school. I borrow money from banks to buy a small house in the suburb, gradual repayment in ten years, still six years away to pay off. I must endeavor to make money, my children have school to college, I will let it learn business administration, marketing, for my baby boy can become a beggar excellent than his father.My mouth requires:- The darling, he has accepted me as his disciple not?
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Pandas After The Earthquake

The earthquake was right in the area where giant pandas live. Most pandas in this area were rescued, particular attention was given to the babies, all the pandas were scared. The photos were taken right after earthquake and during rescue effort care. All the pandas were released back into the wild and it was noted that all of the bears stayed together.

People rescuing pandas

Giving them milk-

After meal

Look at these babies!

Staying here maybe safer...

Here is safe!I don't want a shot!

You scared me!

These pictures are too cute to not share ... don't you agree?
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Some of the Beautiful Temples of the World !Here is a listing of some of the beautiful temples of the World! Includes the Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar, Taktshang in Bhutan, Wat Rong Khun in Thailand, Prambanan in Indonesia, Shwedagon Pagoda in Burma, Temple of Heaven in Beijing, Chion-in in Japan, Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple in Tamil Nadu & the Angkor Wat in Cambodia.


Taktshang is the most famous of monasteries in Bhutan. It hangs on a cliff at 3,120 metres (10,200 feet), some 700 meters (2,300 feet) above the bottom of Paro valley, some 10 km from the district town of Paro. Famous visitors include Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in the 17th century and Milarepa.The name means "Tiger's nest", the legend being that Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) flew there on the back of a tiger. The monastery includes seven temples which can all be visited. The monastery suffered several blazes and is a recent restoration. Climbing to the monastery is on foot or mule.Wat Rong Khun

Wat Rong Khun is a contemporary unconventional buddhist temple in Chiang Rai, Thailand. It was designed by Chalermchai Kositpipat. Construction began in 1998 and is expected to end in 2008.Wat Rong Khun is different from any other temple in Thailand, as its ubosot (Pali: uposatha; consecrated assembly hall) is designed in white color with some use of white glass. The white color stands for Lord Buddha’s purity; the white glass stands for Lord Buddha’s wisdom that "shines brightly all over the Earth and the Universe."Prambanan

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple compound in Central Java in Indonesia, located approximately 18 km east of Yogyakarta. The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the largest Hindu temples in south-east Asia. It is characterised by its tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu temple architecture, and by the 47m high central building inside a large complex of individual temples.Shwedagon Pagoda

The Shwedagon Pagoda also known as the Golden Pagoda, is a 98-metre (approx. 321.5 feet) gilded stupa located in Yangon, Burma. The pagoda lies to the west of Kandawgyi Lake, on Singuttara Hill, thus dominating the skyline of the city. It is the most sacred Buddhist pagoda for the Burmese with relics of the past four Buddhas enshrined within, namely the staff of Kakusandha, the water filter of Konagamana, a piece of the robe of Kassapa and eight hairs of Gautama, the historical Buddha.Temple of Heaven

The Temple of Heaven, literally the Altar of Heaven is a complex of Taoist buildings situated in southeastern urban Beijing, in Xuanwu District. The complex was visited by the Emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven for good harvest. It is regarded as a Taoist temple, although Chinese Heaven worship, especially by the reigning monarch of the day, pre-dates Taoism.Chion-in

Chion'in Temple in Higashiyama- ku, Kyoto, Japan is the headquarters of the Jodo Shu (Pure Land Sect) founded by Honen (1133-1212), who proclaimed that sentient beings are reborn in Amida Buddha's Western Paradise (Pure Land) by reciting the nembutsu, Amida Buddha's name.The vast compounds of Chion-in include the site where Honen settled to disseminate his teachings and the site where he died.Harmandir Sahib

Sri Harmandir Sahib or Darbar Sahib, informally referred to as The Golden Temple or Temple of God, is culturally the most significant place of worship of the Sikhs and one of the oldest Sikh gurdwaras. It is located in the city of Amritsar, which was established by Guru Ram Das, the fourth guru of the Sikhs and the city that it was built in, is also due to the shrine, known as "Guru Di Nagri" meaning city of the Sikh Guru.Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple(Srirangam)

The temple occupies an area of 156 acres (6,31,000 m²) with a perimeter of 1,116m (10,710 feet) making it the largest temple in India and one of the largest religious complexes in the world. In fact, Srirangam temple can be easily termed as the largest functioning Hindu temple in the world (Angkor Wat being the largest non-functioning temple). The temple is enclosed by 7 concentric walls with a total length of 32,592 feet or over six miles. These walls are enclosed by 21 Gopurams (Towers). Among the marvels of the temple is a "hall of 1000 pillars" (actually 953).Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat (or Angkor Vat), is a temple complex at Angkor, Cambodia, built for King Suryavarman II in the early 12th century as his state temple and capital city. As the best-preserved temple at the site, it is the only one to have remained a significant religious centre since its foundation—first Hindu, dedicated to Vishnu, then Buddhist. The temple is the epitome of the high classical style of Khmer architecture. It has become a symbol of Cambodia, appearing on its national flag, and it is the country's prime attraction for visitors.* * * * *
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ALPHABETA lthough things are not perfectB ecause of trial or painC ontinue in thanksgivingD o not begin to blameE ven when the times are hardF ierce winds are bound to blowG od is forever ableH old on to what you knowI magine life without His loveJ oy would cease to beK eep thanking Him for all the thingsL ove imparts to theeM ove out of "Camp Complaining"N o weapon that is knownO n earth can yield the powerP raise can do aloneQ uit looking at the futureR edeem the time at handS tart every day with worshipT o "thank" is a commandU ntil we see Him comingV ictorious in the skyW e'll run the race with gratitudeX alting God most highY es, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...Z ion waits in glory...where none are ever sad !
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There Is No TrashSoko Morinaga“Follow me,” directed the roshi, and he assigned me my first task: to clean the garden. Together with this seventy-year-old master, I went out to the garden and started sweeping with a bamboo broom. Zen temple gardens are carefully designed with trees planted to ensure that leaves will fall throughout the entire year; not only the maples in autumn but also the oaks and the camphors in spring regularly shed their foliage. When I first arrived, in April, the garden was full of fallen leaves.The human being (or, my own mind, I should say) is really quite mean. Here I was, inside my heart denouncing this “old fool” and balking at the very idea of trusting so easily; yet, at the same time, I wanted this old man to notice me, and so took up that broom and swept with a vengeance. Quite soon I had amassed a mountain of dead leaves. Eager to show off my diligence, I asked, “Roshi, where should I throw this trash?”The words were barely out of my mouth when he thundered back at me, “There is no trash!”“No trash, but…look here,” I tried to indicate the pile of leaves.“So you don’t believe me! Is that it?”“It’s only that, well, where should I throw out these leaves?” That was all that was left for me to say.“You don’t throw them out!” he roared again.“What should I do then?” I asked.“Go out to the shed and bring back an empty charcoal sack,” was his instruction.When I returned, I found Roshi bent to the task of combing through the mountain of leaves, sifting so that the lighter leaves came out on top while the heavier sand and stones fell to the bottom. He then proceeded to stuff the leaves into the sack I had brought from the shed, tamping them down with his feet. After he had jammed the last leaves tightly into the sack, he said, “Take these to the shed. We’ll use them to make a fire under the bath.”As I went off to the shed, I silently admitted that this sack of leaves over my shoulder was perhaps not trash; but I also told myself that what was left of that pile out there in the garden was clearly trash, and nothing but trash. I got back, though, only to find Roshi squatting over the remains of the leaf pile, picking out the stones. After he had carefully picked out the last stone, he ordered, “Take these out and arrange them under the rain gutters.”When I had set out the stones, together with the gravel that was already there, and filled in the spaces pummeled out by the raindrops, I found that not only were the holes filled but that my work looked rather elegant. I had to allow that these stones, too, failed to fall into the category of trash. There was still more, though: the clods of earth and scraps of moss, the last dregs. Just what could anyone possibly do with that stuff, I wondered.I saw Roshi going about his business, gathering up these scraps and placing them, piece by piece, in the palm of his hand. He scanned the ground for dents and sinks; he filled them in with the clods of earth, which he then tamped down with his feet. Not a single particle remained of the mountain of leaves.“Well?” he queried, “Do you understand a little bit better now? From the first, in people and in things, there is no such thing as trash.”This was the first sermon I ever heard from Zuigan Roshi. Although it did make an impression on me, unfortunately, I was not keen enough to attain any great awakening as a result of simply hearing these words.From the first, in people and in things, there is no such thing as trash. These words point to the fundamental truth of Buddhism, a truth I could not as yet conceive in those days.“Wonder of wonders! Intrinsically all living beings are buddhas, endowed with wisdom and virtue. Only because they cling to their delusive thinking do they fail to realize this.” This was Shakyamuni Buddha’s exclamation at the instant of his enlightenment. To put it in other words, all beings are, from the first, absolutely perfect, but because people are attached to deluded notions, they cannot perceive this innate buddha-nature.In the classical Chinese sutras it is written that Shakyamuni said, “I attained buddhahood together with all the grasses, the trees, and the great earth.”In a split second, the mist before his eyes cleared, and Shakyamuni Buddha could see the true form of reality. “Up to now, I thought all beings in this world were living only in pain and misery, in deep unhappiness. But, in reality, aren’t all beings, just as they are, living in buddhahood, living in a state of absolute perfection? And doesn’t this apply not only to those who are healthy and sound of body, but also to those who are blind, to those without hands, to the ones who are barely dragging themselves along? Isn’t each and every one, just exactly as he or she presently is, a perfect and flawless being?” Awed and astonished, the Buddha called out in the voice of satori.Every year, I go to Hokkaido to lecture, and one year, there was a woman present who asked to meet me after the talk. The young woman, an ardent believer in Christianity, had this to say: “Listening to your talk today, I could see that about all Buddhism tells us to do is throw away our desires. On the other hand, Christianity says, ‘Ask, and it shall be given you. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened to you.’ This teaching answers the hopes of young people like myself. What do you think about this, Roshi?”I answered her with a question of my own. “Is that to say that no matter how you knock, no matter how you seek, you shall receive and the door will be opened to you? Is it not the case that unless one knocks and seeks in a way that is in accord with the heart of God, the door surely will not be opened, nor will one’s desires be granted?”I have heard the Christian teaching, “You devise your way, but God directs your steps”—you desire and choose and seek as you please, but it is God who decides whether or not your wishes are to be granted.So, too, Buddhism does not say only to throw away all desire, to toss aside all seeking. It is especially in the Zen sect that we seek, that we knock at that door through a practice so intensive as to be like carving up our very bones. Buddhism points out, however, that after all the seeking, what we attain is the realization that what we have sought was always, from the first, already ours; after all the pounding away, we awaken to the fact that the door was already open before we ever began to knock.So you see, Zuigan Roshi pointed out the most basic truth right from the start when he said, “From the first, in people and in things, there is no such thing as trash.” Unfortunately, I did not understand him. I went on pretending to be a disciple who trusts his roshi, while inside my heart I criticized and resisted. To tell you the truth, I found almost everything he said irritating.Excerpt from Novice to Master: An Ongoing Lesson in the Extent of My Own Stupidity, translated by Belenda Attaway Yamakawa. Reprinted with permission of Wisdom Publications.Soko Morinaga (1925-1995) received the seal of dharma transmission from Sesso Ota Roshi and served as head of Hanazono University.
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Subject: Mona Lisa

This is amazing! Try to figure what the picture is made from?

Artist assistants stand next to 3,604 cups of coffee which have been made into a giant Mona Lisa in Sydney , Australia . The 3,604 cups of coffee were each filled with different amounts of milk to create the different shades!
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Subject: Neurological testPlease try.1- Find the C below. Please do not use any cursor help.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO2- If you already found the C, now find the 6 below.9999999999999999999 9999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999 9999999999996999999999999999999 9999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999 9999999999993 - Now find the N below. It's a little more difficult.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMThis is NOT a joke. If you were able to pass these 3 tests, you can cancel your annual visit to your neurologist. Your brain is great and you're far from having a close relationship with Alzheimer.Congratulations!Oh. One more test....Find the 44th USA President.cid:95577B08FB5A432292970232824CFBD5@brendaWell, congratulations, you're not colour blind either!
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