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Birthday: January 18
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10x for the friend requests.i m glad to be ur friend
Salaam CZ ! :)
Hello, coldzero
I received your request that I accepted because you seem to want a lot.
I hope we'll get along
However, I regret not finding someone of my level.
Also, up to now friends added to my list have never communicated
with me but to respond at the first message I sent.
so, I know almost nothing about them. Isn't absurd?!
I hope you'll send me an email to introduce yourself.
To conclude I hope you are motivated and therefore we'll stay in touch
(otherwise why to add new friends?) will,of course!
thank you for your attention. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for the request, I'm glad to be friends :)
Have a good day!
Thank you dear for choosing me as a friend .
Hello ColdZero,
Thanks for the friend request. I'm happy to be an EC friend with you.
Wish you a great weekend ahead.
Pleased being a friend of u. Thanx a lot for ur request. Wish u have a great time with EC. Lets kit with our communication.
January 18
Mohamed Tawfik
Tim Bedford
Lady Anne
Aymen Hammami
Dufourmentel Christian
Fauzan waheed
Andrei S
T Mal
Halina Ostańkowicz-Bazan
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10x for the friend requests.i m glad to be ur friend
Salaam CZ ! :)
Hello, coldzero
I received your request that I accepted because you seem to want a lot.
I hope we'll get along
However, I regret not finding someone of my level.
Also, up to now friends added to my list have never communicated
with me but to respond at the first message I sent.
so, I know almost nothing about them. Isn't absurd?!
I hope you'll send me an email to introduce yourself.
To conclude I hope you are motivated and therefore we'll stay in touch
(otherwise why to add new friends?) will,of course!
thank you for your attention. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for the request, I'm glad to be friends :)
Have a good day!
Thank you dear for choosing me as a friend .
Hello ColdZero,
Thanks for the friend request. I'm happy to be an EC friend with you.
Wish you a great weekend ahead.
Pleased being a friend of u. Thanx a lot for ur request. Wish u have a great time with EC. Lets kit with our communication.