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  • Hello my dear colleague. My name is Anastasia and I live in Greece. I would be veryglad if we could exchange ideas about teaching Engish.

  • hi Brandlie, i hope you are doing well. i am manmohan . i want to make friend through English club. you can join me skype too my id is mannu5685. i have sent friend request to you kindly accept it and become my friend . i believe that you will be happy to make me friend. i am very jolly nature person and i love to make friend.
  • Hello...

    I'm Faty, 24 years old.. I'm from Saudi Arabia..
    My dream is to be an English good speaker, In general I understand English if it written. Sometimes I feel SAD because I can't speak English.. especially I study English literature in the university...

    When I listen to an English speaker who is Arabic person I understand.. but when I watch movies or news I rarely understand!! Can you help me to do that?? I wish you can.

    So you can give me strategy to learn English.. I'm serious.. I really want to work hard for 3 months and be a GOOD SPEAKER.

    You can suggest ways to learn, give me some good sites, chatting, or we can make calls for example…

    Finally,, I hope you ok, and have a good time…
    I wait your respond

    Your friend
  • Hello Bradley,nice pics..Is photography one of your hobbies?
  • Hello, how are you?
    I'm Colombian, I live close to Cali,I am learning English.
  • I'm actually from Russia)If you want I can help you with Russian, of course, if you need it)
  • Thanks for add)
    How are you?
    What are you doing?
  • hello)I just read that you're teacer of English!
    Could you you be my friend?
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Goliad, TX


January 3



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May 9, 2019
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May 8, 2019