Bandung, Indonesia
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Bandung, Indonesia
Learner of English
English level
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Favourite book, movie, song/band etc [in English!]
Forty Rules of Love, The Lord of The Rings, Linkin Park
My Favourite Saying(s) [in English!]
Do a good deed everyday
Kembali! Silakhan, melihat blog saya, Uncooked Meat. Thanks, Iva Rofi for your nice remark on that blog. I also hope that you see that photo of the raw meat. Thanks again and happy Eid to you and the rest of yiour family. Thanks.
Selamat datang de My EC! Saya harap akan menadi teman kamu, mungkin? Welcome to My EC. If you need any help, ask me or anyone of the teachers of the club. They will be happy to help you. Thanks.