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  • Hello, Antoshka!

    Hello! Thank you for your congratulations on Victory Day! I congratulate you, too! Although I was late with the congratulations! I work all the holidays, so do not walk into the club at this time. I'll wait for your pictures! I hope you enjoy the club!


  • Hello, Antoshka!

    Thank you for your interest in my photography. I see you are brand-new and you are from Russia. :-) Welcome to English Club! :-) I am here rarely, but I will always look your pictures - I love this thing. Where are your photos? :-)
    I wish you a great weekend!



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Antoshka replied to Antoshka's discussion I don't want to study!
"Yes, you are right, Camelia :) 
Last time I promised to myself if I pass the exams I'll have a trip…"
May 10, 2019
Antoshka replied to Antoshka's discussion I don't want to study!
"1. Remote Sensing and GIS 
2. Soft Computing and Simulation in Water Resources "
May 10, 2019
Antoshka replied to Antoshka's discussion I don't want to study!
"Thank you, coolhead :)) 
I'll follow your advices and I  hope  I'll be able to pass all my exams :))"
May 10, 2019
Antoshka replied to Antoshka's discussion I don't want to study!
"Yes, I want.
I must pass all exams. Daily I make myself do exercises but without success. During…"
May 10, 2019
Antoshka replied to Antoshka's discussion I don't want to study!
":) yes, a man can do anything if he has an interest"
May 10, 2019
Antoshka replied to Antoshka's discussion I don't want to study!
"Thankssss :)))
Sure, I'll do that"
May 10, 2019
Antoshka replied to Antoshka's discussion I don't want to study!
"Gracias, cold moon!
I hope all points will be useful for me, thanks again!"
May 10, 2019
Antoshka replied to Antoshka's discussion I don't want to study!
"I'm talking about science subjects :) 
Conversely, I like literature very much :))
May 10, 2019