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December 2

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Anna commented on Anna's blog post I've found what i've looked for
"shampoo was a metaphor)) anyway, thanks a lot for you comments, Mr Night. A guess, English will be…"
May 9, 2019
Anna commented on Anna's blog post I've found what i've looked for
"thank you very much! will do my best))"
May 9, 2019
Anna commented on Anna's blog post My first blog. Introduction
"i was in Japan in 2009, long before current events. I feel despair when i think of what is…"
May 9, 2019
Anna commented on Tara Benwell's blog post The Second Blog
"thank you,Tara! i will follow your advice, hope to improve my English skills, and use my knowledges…"
May 9, 2019
Anna posted blog posts
May 8, 2019