I am Osman from Sudan, a 30 of my age, and i am accountant. really, iam eager to chat in english rooms, but this is the first time to me. i am searching for freinds so will you pls join accept me as freind?
my E.address is osman_aldoma2006@yahoo.com
iam willing to receive you message any time,
Thank you for reading my comment.
Ya sure, I am actually visiting the chat room almost daily so just check for yourself and if you find me there then I will just send you a message. Today I will join at the chat room.
I am Osman from Sudan, a 30 of my age, and i am accountant. really, iam eager to chat in english rooms, but this is the first time to me. i am searching for freinds so will you pls join accept me as freind?
my E.address is osman_aldoma2006@yahoo.com
iam willing to receive you message any time,
Thank you for reading my comment.
Ok see ya soon.
Take care always Abeer. bye
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