The debaters is a group that aims to practice, learn, explore in English language. Also, having fun by sharing ideas and discussions. Everyone is enthusiastically welcome .

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  • Add me on skype for speaking : Eléa301

  • Hi, I am an English teacher. I am here for u who need to find partner to speak English. add my NEW skype id: mrdidik1

  • Hi guys! I am new here. My name is Filip. If you have any debate feel free to add me. My skype nick is: filipmorawski1. Thanks a lot!

  • Any body have interested in cricket??
  • lets chat in line!! my line id is mahtab_shawon...
  • Technology modifies interaction. It does not destroy it per se, but rahter changes it. What it does is something else. While it helps personal social networks grow, it limits person to person interaction,so the feeling of having someone close at hand for help and support diminishes drastically.

  • But on the contrary, IT (Technology) develop interaction between people.

  •, lets try to make debates ones, but with format, timing and words limit. ok?

  • Hi , everyone , Im a new member here .If you have any debate , can you add me , please ? My skype is nt2509. Thanks !

  • happy new year all:D

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