Hint:The word of the day begins with the letter “G” and it has 11 letters long.• I don’t know who he is. I didn’t invite him to my party. He must be a g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.• They were fighting last month. Do you think that she is a g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or someone has invited her for their wedding?• There was no one invited me but I came to his wedding. They may consider me as a g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ but I will never care because he is my friend and I want to congratulate him.Can you guess the word of the day?The word of the day means “someone who goes to a party or other social event even though he/she has not been invited.”

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  • Thanks Nazie. I'm happy for seeing your comment my sister. :)

    Nazie said:
    Hi skoon,
    I changed the answer and I knew that her answer would be the first correct answer.It was just changing my idea at that moment ,not for sth else.
    I'm grateful of your attention and accuracy.
  • Nazie. I think you changed your answer after seeing anele answer. Becasue your answer which I'm seeing now is not the same as I got in my e-mail. So, I'm sorry, the score will be for anele especially because there is no different time between your comment and her comment. just one minute. Conguratulations anele. you got a score. Nazie, good luck dear in other words ;)
  • I appreciate your participations. The answer is "gatecrasher" Conguratulations Nazie you got a score. You preceded anele just with one minute. Good luck for you anele and sweet rose.
  • I am sure that the answer is GATECRASHER.
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