permanent(ADJ, =/ temporary) Something that is permanent lasts for ever.E.X: Heavy drinking can cause permanent damage to the brain.temporary(ADJ, =/ permanent) Something that is temporary lasts for only a limited time.E.X: His job here is only temporary……a temporary loss of money.threat "treats"1. (NOUN) A threat to a person or thing is a danger that something unpleasant might happen to them. A threat is also the cause of this danger.E.X: Some couples see single women as a threat to their relationship.2. (PHRASE) If a person or thing is under threat, there is a danger that something unpleasant might be done to them, or that they might cease to exist.E.X: She lives daily under threat of violence.threaten "threatens, threatening, threatened"1. (VERB) If a person threatens to do something unpleasant to you, or if they threaten you, they say or imply that they will do something unpleasant to you, especially if you do not do what they want.E.X: He tied her up and threatened her with a six-inch knife.If you threaten me or use any force, I shall inform the police.2. (VERB) If something unpleasant threaten to happen, it seems likely to happen.E.X: The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war.threatened(ADJ) If you feel threatened, you feel as if someone is trying to harm you.

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  • There's the threat of snow.

    one's soul.

    usually in the company distinguish its treatment of temporary and permanent employees.
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