SPEAKING is the best way , to improve your english level !
if you belevie in this , then join us in the english-speaking-room
and let's start talking .
it doesn't matter , whether your english level is high or low
just contact us in the speaking room , and we will help you to SPEAK OUT!

we also offer great books in english with CDS , especially IELTS and TOEFL books.

add this skype adress to your list , or leave your skype adress , and we will add you !

SKYPE adress : english-speaking-room

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  • Those who seriously want to SOLVE your PRONUNCIATION PROBLEM once and for all (also learn how to sound natural and fluent when you speak in English), please contact me on Skype. It will take you only ONE MONTH to achieve that goal. Upon completion, you will able to pronounce all the words listed in the dictionary accurately even without listening to any online / offline audio pronunciations at all. Isn't that what you've been trying to achieve all this while but to no avail? Now is the time to make it happen.

    My Skype ID ...: live:gabrielsowrian
    My Skype LINK: https://join.skype.com/invite/LyXcrWQzI1a1
  • Hello everyone, my email speakenglishwithmy@hotmail.com
    If anyone wants to practice with me, I am openmind.
  • thank you so much. please add my skype:live:.cid.cf32e22429a8b839
  • Hello everyone. Good to have useful time with you.
  • Hello everyone,
    I am looking for a partner who can practise English speaking with me. I almost belong to Advance level. Please send me a message only if you belong to Intermediate or Advanced level.

    Whats app - +919998520708
    Skype- katariya.rajesh1

  • hi everyone
    i created whatsapp group for englsh speakers
    if you're interested text me +255715804995 i'll add youyou're welcomed all
  • Hello Everyone!!

    Only those who belong to Intermediate level.

    I`ve created a skype group if anyone want to join that group than add me on Whats app I`ll add you there (+919998520708)

  • hi hello evry one , thank you for adding me in this group , :)

  • Hi 

    i want to improve my English communication 

    my Skype id devmishra67

  • Help me to learn English

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Skype English speaking group

I've decided to create an Skype group for Upper-intermediate and advanced English speakers. Anybody with these speaking levels can join the group. If you're interested, add me to your Skype. This is my Skype ID: saeidengmanfor more information about the schedule and topics, check the following webpage:http://mohammadpour-s.ir/skype-english-group/

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