Every nation has its own traditional and cultural stories. Those stories that we called folktales. This group is created to share our folktales that we heard from our grandmothers. It's very interesting to tell the stories in our own words and in a simple way.
The Favorable Scent (My Story)
It is my story in Persian:عطر دلخواه تنها گلدونش رو گذاشت لب پنجره تا خوب نگاهش کنه. آب دادن و تميز کردن برگها همونطورکه مامانش يادش داده بود کار هر روزش بود ولی امروز ميل عجيبی داشت که گلدون گلش رو بغل کنه. بهنظرش قشنگتر از روزای قبل میاومد. بغلش کرد. صورتش با قطرههای ريز روی برگها خيس شد. گل سرخ کوچکی رو که لای برگها پنهان شده بود رو استشمام کرد. کاش گلش عطر خوبی داشت. عميقتر نفس کشيد تا شايد کمی بوی عطر رو احساس کنه. همون کافی بود تا گلش بهترين باشه. گلش رو که دوباره نگاه کرد دلش…
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I'd like to share with you my favourite folk taleThe%20Marble%20%20Princess.htm
Here is another folk tale Three%20%20pieces%20of%20advice_files.htm
Thanks dear Maia for your participation in my group. It's a kind gesture from you... you are welcome:)
Hello everyone! Thanks Bright-rubies for creating this group, thanks Aija for your invitation. I'm very happy to be one of the members in this group. I like to read the folktales, it helps me to know more about the cultures and customs of many countries in the world. Also, It helps me to improve my English. I like this group very much!
Hi Asma, and all MyEC friends who joined my group, you are welcome in my humble group. thanks for joining us here and thanks Aija for invitation, too.
Thanks so much dear Aija for inviting me to this wonderful group.I'm glad to join you!
Thank you Aija for your invitation.
In my country there are a lot of folktales, for kids the most, some stories are true are anothers are fantasies or fairytales.
Dearest my EC friends,.... you are welcome.