Go overboard

Go overboard means to be excessive."I like to have a glass of wine each evening but I never go overboard" (not excessive with the wine)."Do you like this dress or do you think I have gone overboard?" (dressed excessively)

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  • Thanks for the correcting Ensie :)
  • I don't like man or woman who overboard in speaking. :D
  • I think using internet is good but dont use it overboard
  • I think I went overboard with ice cream, the flavor of vanilla especailly. I am almost hard to control myself.
    • I always go overboard with ice creams hehehehe. Thanks Grace. I liked your example!
  • Yes you are :), Good on you!
  • If you say that someone goes overboard, you mean that they do something to a greater extent than is necessary or reasonable.
  • This food is very very delicious or I'm going overboard!

    Am I right skoon?
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