cup of tea

cup of tea: that means the type of person or thing that one generally likes.Examples:1. Tennis isn't my cup of tea. I prefer table tennis.2. I know John is nice, but he's not my cup of tea.Note: This expression is almost used in the negative.Why is it not used in the positive?Tara said: Great question! The idiom is "not my cup of tea". I don't think you'll ever see it used in a positive sense, though some dictionaries list the definition that way (without the "not").

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  • Shopping isn't my cup of tea because it would be take my money much. hehe
  • Don't marry someone who is not your cup of tea!

    Wonderful, I like it
    Skoon ...
    • Me too, I also like painting. :)
      One of the books said it is used in negative, but it doesn't explain why. Your question is very good. I'll let you know the reason after asking Tara.
    • Great question! The idiom is "not my cup of tea". I don't think you'll ever see it used in a positive sense, though some dictionaries list the definition that way (without the "not").
    • Thank you for your prompt reply, Tara.
    • oh yeah DG, I do agree in this even you're NOT one of who're not my cup of tea.
  • learn english is my cup of tea
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