Kind Heart

English words often morph into other words and phrases which convey strong emotions.

For example, the word “heart,” which originally referred to a specific bodily organ, has taken on additional meanings about strong, warm, caring feelings.  Here are some examples.

good-hearted: kind and generous.  

The good-hearted woman always did whatever she could to help the needy.

heartless: cruel

The heartless ruler did not care that many of his people were very poor.

have a heart:  to be kind, sympathetic, forgiving, sympathetic, or compassionate

He begged his girlfriend to have a heart and not criticize him so much. 

heartstrings:  deepest emotions.  

The sad story pulls on everyone’s heartstrings.

Note:  the word “heartstrings” is almost used with the phrase “pull(s) on.”

Even though a person may have stayed in many different places, his real home is the place he has good, strong, feelings about.

Home is where the heart is.

heartfelt:  deeply felt

He gave his heartfelt thanks to the people who had helped him so much.

the bottom of my heart:  very deep feeling

You have been very good to me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The meaning of the word “heart” has come a long way. A drawing of a heart which is not biologically accurate and a typographical representation of a heart (<3) now symbolize love. 

I found a lot of information on idioms in this free online dictionary,, which gives definitions and sentences containing the idioms.  I suggest that you hunt in this dictionary for other idioms containing the word “heart.” When you learn them, you will have a richer vocabulary with more ways to express strong emotions.


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  • Hello
    how are you ?
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart
    you are a good teacher
    • Thank you for telling me that.

  • Hello dear  Pauline Lerner!

    Thanks for the explanations and the the information you gave about the word ''heart'', I think you have a big heart!! :D

    • Thank you for telling me that.

  • Thank you......
    • You're welcome.  I hope you find it useful.

  • I'm glad you like it.

  • Pauline...:):)  

    You are really a good-hearted person for providing us with such  marvelous discussion.Thank you from the bottom of my heart.:)..I do appreciate your effort..:):):)

    • Karol, I'm glad that you liked what I wrote and that you are using hearty words.

  • Dear Pauline

    What a hearty discussion you've chosen to share with us! I learned a lot from it. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. :-)

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