1. I just remembered the name "Shakespeare" the same way - in which there are "shake" and "are".
I used to send "a massage" instead of "a message" to friends
——By Expector Smith
2. I used to mix up "bald", smb w/o hair, and "bold", smb courageous. But then quite by accident remembered the name of one of the character's in Pushkin's tale "The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda", which means "a stupid person in Russian". This was what made the trick for me.
—— By Natalya Eydelman
3. I used to write the word " achieve " incorrectly "acheive " then I connected it with the word "eve" at the end so I haven't done this mistake again. I'm trying to find a solution to the word " neighbor" now, I usually write it incorrectly.
—— By Hala J.M
4. I wrote liar "lair"; I didn't know distinguish practise and practice which one is the verb and which one is the noun.
——By Shining Star
5. I often make a mistake about past perfect tense;
I used to write surprise "suprise";
I wrote textbook "testbook";
I wrote sentence "sentense"
Now I try my best to write the right words.
—— By Mickey
Tips: Spelling mnemonic - "I before E except after C or before G" This is not perfect but will cover about 90% of the words with ie or ei in their spelling such as receive and neighbor. Also when you have two vowels together, MOST of the time you will say the first vowel (long) and the second vowel will be silent. Neither rule is true 100% of the time as the word neither illustrates, but it is useful to know and then learn the exceptions.
[Now your turn to share, let's make a list... Leave yours in your comment ;-) Anyway sharing is caring. Thanks in advance!]
hahaha, CM, I have a lot of cm [180cm, with shoes though]
Thanks, dear sis! *hug* back!
You can also be rightly called as "C M " ....Creative Mickey.....
Your Blog always be More Creative and More Informative.....
Hug U Mick........
giggling~ I like what you called me! hahaha
I make mistakes now and then, and some of them, I make over and over. ;-)
Hello prophetess Mickey, ;)
That’s nice ! Mickey :-O you made a few mistakes sweetie ~ giggling~ I made many of them and more then you. ~giggling~ Wait to see them, you are gonna laugh.
Really? Do you think I can become a nice teacher? hehehe! I am happy to hear that!
syllabicating? Where can I learn it?
Thanks for your compliment, Spider! hehehe
I want to be the first reader of your book then, sewar! giggling~
Really nice sweet, but if I want to write my spilling mistakes, I want a book not a blog. Have a nice day.
"I before E except after C or before G" nice tips!!! I really love such kind of conclusion! Thanks a million, Tim!
Shining star, thanks for sharing! I added it to the list.