what is real?

is the life short in real world or we have thought the life is short?

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  • No, we  have not.

    We can't make the life to short or long by normal oueselves, but this life will be by we have done in the old life. If you born to kill another life in the old life your life will short. If you born to help to love and kind another life the same as your life you will have the long life.

  • Alas, not many days we are here to stay is given,
    They live without love and without wine — a sin.
    Do not think, this world — ill old young:
    Kohl destined to leave — not all do we care?

    (Omar Khayyam)

  • We feel it short.
    Take the life of those scholars (even in Iran) who have written scores of books, in the average life time. They might never think their life short, otherwise they would not had been able to write the bookssssssssssss of knowledge and wisdom.

  • the shortness or longness of life is comparative and the human has defined this kind of time-adjectives compared to the time of his life, perhaps if you ask a fly (which lives several days), this question then he will say: my life-time is normal but the humans life-time is soooo long !!  

  • Yeah, it is just our belief system.

  • That's what I tried to brief.

  • physical=physic
  • do u know its a physical and philosophical problem?

    It seems short or long depending upon our situations.

    Happy life seems short otherwise it seems unending.

    But the fact life for an individual is destined, neither long not short.

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